The Job Hunt Disaster

It has baffled me for 3 years wondering why I cannot seem to break into the Informal Science Education industry outside of creating my own Informal Science business, e.g. The Fun The Fun Scientists LLC. Over 3000+ resumes and applications have been sent to date, but I have only been on ten interviews while receiving hundreds of rejections, I have suffered to discover what I am doing wrong. A family member once informed me to dumb-down my resume. My fear is that, if I do that, I may then only qualify for $10/hr positions. I do have a family to take care of and $10/hr will not cut it. If I lived with a parent and had no responsibilities, that would be grand. Not to mention, that's also lying. I have heard of people getting fired for leaving off the fact that they had an higher-education other that what they posted on their application.

A trusted mentor of mine suggested that I may be intimidating the staff that's interviewing me. I had considered that once, but I refused that option and gave myself a serious ego check. I denied this. I'm not 'all that' after all right? But to hear this from my mentor...? Very unsettling. I was raised to always put my best foot forward at all times. What do I do? He suggests that I keep being myself and one day, someone will truly see my value and not be concerned about me overshadowing them. This sounds nice, but it's been three years!

Racism and ageism could also be an issue. When you see younger 20 something white females grabbing almost every single job you have applied for, it almost makes you wish you were a young, white, 20 something. At least 90% of the time, the person they hired instead of me had less education and less experience; yet, the job requisition asks for experience and education!

I have graciously asked the companies turning me down to please provide some feedback from our interview session to help me improve. Not one response. Not a single one. I know there may legal reasons, but wow. I have had my resumes evaluated, and interviewing skills tested by HR professionals and they are all impressed. What am I missing?

It feels as if I have applied to almost every company in the world at this point. I am working in a technological field that's currently paying the bills and I am grateful for this; however, I cannot see myself troubleshooting computers as a PhD earner in Science Education in the next four years.

If I didn't have a family and my work hours weren't so horrid, I'd probably try to volunteer at some of the local informal science venues here. I have Volunteered at Fernbank Natural History Museum when I lived closer to that location. I do know that volunteering is a great way in.

Well, hopefully soon, my worth will be recognized. I know that no matter the position I am placed in, that I will excel. I just need someone to give me the chance.

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Reginald Finley Sr