A Personal Interview answering many of the questions that have been sent in to me over the years.

"No, I don't have a PhD yet, but I was once told that if you speak it, you can make it come into being." - Dr. Reginald V. Finley Sr

Published on 18 May 2014
Hits: 4868
Category: Thoughts

There are a wide-variety of products out there today that claim to perform health-related miracles. These products appeal to desperate people who wish to hide their medical issues, cannot afford medical treatments, and/or those that may have lost trust in their physicians. Unfortunately, when one is desperate, taking the time to critically examine the claims of these snake oil peddlers takes a back seat. The power of the claim may be so tempting, that one would purchase it just


Project I am working on to support my doctoral thesis. Work in progress for the next 3 years.


It has baffled me for 3 years wondering why I cannot seem to break into the Informal Science Education industry outside of creating my own Informal Science business, e.g. The Fun The Fun Scientists LLC. Over 3000+ resumes and applications have been sent to date, but I have only been on ten interviews while receiving hundreds of rejections, I have suffered to discover what I am doing wrong. A family member once informed me to dumb-down my resume. My fear is that, if I do that, I may then


A Work in Progress in Which I Research the Effects of Religious Fundamentalism and The Public's Understanding of Science.

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Reginald Finley Sr