It is often mind-boggling by traditional theists on how it's possible that someone cannot believe in God. Ted Drange offers what he thinks are some good logical arguments for disbelieving in a god.

Submitted by Ted Drange


After 8 years of freethought activism I finally grew weary of repeating myself over and over again to theists about why I don't believe in God. I started thinking of a solution which will explain adequately why I don't believe. I authored, "Why I don't believe" first in 2003. I then restructed it in 2005 and again later in June 2006 for inclusion in a philosophy book which unfortunately.. never made it to publication. I hope you enjoy reading my church presentation. :)


This was a lecture I performed not very long ago. To a small group of two Norcross High School classrooms. We discuss atheism, evolution, simple philosophical problems with Christian theism and why it's so hard to swallow by some atheists. I was asked by Leroy Lamar to come to the school to discuss what I thought as an atheist. So, I entitled this an "Atheist Talk". But I guess it's


If God has a divine plan/blueprint for the Universe, his plans cannot be changed. If everything works to accomplish God's plan, how does man have free will? - IG [Note: Some pastors do not believe we have free-will at all.]

  • When the believer gets to Heaven, how can Heaven be utter bliss when people they love and


List of Famous African American and Black Freethinkers in history.
Please check out these accompanying programs while you peruse the listing. Please send suggestions and recommendations to:
* Black Freethought in the early 1900's to 1950's. - Mike Estes
* Belief in the Black Community - Norm Allen Jr.


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Reginald Finley Sr